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Showing all 5 results
DKS0010 Hotel-Type Sewing Kit Custom Design Premium Product
- Material Type: Made from high-quality materials.
- Contents: Includes essential sewing items such as needles, thread, buttons, safety pins, and seam ripper.
- Packaging: Comes in elegant and practical packaging.
- Customization: Can be personalized with the hotel’s logo or branding.
- Design: Available in special and premium design options.
- Packaging Options: Available in standard box and plastic packaging options.
- Ease of Use: Allows guests to easily handle emergency sewing needs.
- Aesthetics: Features elegant and premium packaging with an eye-catching appearance.
- Functionality: Offers a practical solution by providing essential sewing materials in one set.
- Customization: Leaves a positive impression on guests with a design unique to the hotel’s brand.
DKS0030 Hotel-Type Sewing Kit Custom Design Premium Product
- Material Type: Made from high-quality materials.
- Contents: Includes essential sewing items such as needles, thread, buttons, safety pins, and seam ripper.
- Packaging: Comes in elegant and practical packaging.
- Customization: Can be personalized with the hotel’s logo or branding.
- Design: Available in special and premium design options.
- Packaging Options: Available in standard box and plastic packaging options.
- Ease of Use: Allows guests to easily handle emergency sewing needs.
- Aesthetics: Features elegant and premium packaging with an eye-catching appearance.
- Functionality: Offers a practical solution by providing essential sewing materials in one set.
- Customization: Leaves a positive impression on guests with a design unique to the hotel’s brand.
DKS0040 Hotel-Type Sewing Kit Custom Design Premium Product
- Material Type: Made from high-quality materials.
- Contents: Includes essential sewing items such as needles, thread, buttons, safety pins, and seam ripper.
- Packaging: Comes in elegant and practical packaging.
- Customization: Can be personalized with the hotel’s logo or branding.
- Design: Available in special and premium design options.
- Packaging Options: Available in standard box and plastic packaging options.
- Ease of Use: Allows guests to easily handle emergency sewing needs.
- Aesthetics: Features elegant and premium packaging with an eye-catching appearance.
- Functionality: Offers a practical solution by providing essential sewing materials in one set.
- Customization: Leaves a positive impression on guests with a design unique to the hotel’s brand.
DKS0050 Hotel-Type Sewing Kit Custom Design Premium Product
- Material Type: Made from high-quality materials.
- Contents: Includes essential sewing items such as needles, thread, buttons, safety pins, and seam ripper.
- Packaging: Comes in elegant and practical packaging.
- Customization: Can be personalized with the hotel’s logo or branding.
- Design: Available in special and premium design options.
- Packaging Options: Available in standard box and plastic packaging options.
- Ease of Use: Allows guests to easily handle emergency sewing needs.
- Aesthetics: Features elegant and premium packaging with an eye-catching appearance.
- Functionality: Offers a practical solution by providing essential sewing materials in one set.
- Customization: Leaves a positive impression on guests with a design unique to the hotel’s brand.
DKS0060 Hotel-Type Sewing Kit Custom Design Premium Product
- Material Type: Made from high-quality materials.
- Contents: Includes essential sewing items such as needles, thread, buttons, safety pins, and seam ripper.
- Packaging: Comes in elegant and practical packaging.
- Customization: Can be personalized with the hotel’s logo or branding.
- Design: Available in special and premium design options.
- Packaging Options: Available in standard box and plastic packaging options.
- Ease of Use: Allows guests to easily handle emergency sewing needs.
- Aesthetics: Features elegant and premium packaging with an eye-catching appearance.
- Functionality: Offers a practical solution by providing essential sewing materials in one set.
- Customization: Leaves a positive impression on guests with a design unique to the hotel’s brand.